Following people are members of CEFAH team:
Head of the Centre:
Dr. Zoran Markovic, Full Professor
Dalibor Vukojevic, Professional Associate - Head of the production
Milos Pusica, laborer
Vladica Arsic, laborer
Milos Soskic, laborer
Centre members from Faculty of Agriculture:
Dr. Marko Stankovic, Associate Professor - Coordinator of educational programmes
Dr. Zorka Dulic, Full Professor
Dr. Bozidar Raskovic, Full Professor
Zorica Radovic, Technical Assistant
Ljubica Todoric, Technical Assistant
Centre members from Faculty of Biology:
Dr. Ivana Zivic, Full Professor
Dr. Katarina Stojanovic, Assistant Professor
Dr. Milenka Bozanic, Research Associate
Centre members - PhD students:
Vukosav Golubovic, MSc
Stefan Marjanovic, MSc.
Aleksandra Dobricic, MSc. |

ISI Web of Science publications (2009-2023):
Gruber-Dorninger C, Killinger M, Hobartner-Gu?l A, Rosen R, Doupovec B, Aleschko M, Schwartz-Zimmermann H, Greitbauer O, Markovic Z, Stankovic M, Schondorfer K, Vukmirovic D, Wein S, Schatzmayr D (2023) Enzymatic Degradation of Zearalenone in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Pigs, Chickens, and Rainbow Trout. Toxins 15: 48. Link
Jach MA, Brojer M, Micetic Stankovic V, Bosnjak M, Luz D, Dorchin N, Hershkovitz Y, Novakovic B, Zivic I, Dorfer W, Madjaric BB (2023) Elmis syriaca (Kuwert, 1890) and E. zoufali (Reitter, 1910) (Coleoptera: Elmidae) confirmed as distinct species based on molecular data, morphology and geographical distribution. Diversity 15: 994. Link
Kostic-Vukovic J, Kolarevic S, Sunjog K, Subotic S, Visnjic-Jeftic Z, Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Vukovic-Gacic B, Lenhardt M (2023) Combined use of biomarkers to assess the impact of untreated wastewater from the Danube River, Serbia. Ecotoxicology 32: 583–597. Link
Nikolic D, Poleksic V, Tasic A, Smederevac-Lalic M, Djikanovic V, Raskovic B (2023) Two Age Groups of Adult Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) as Bioindicators of Aquatic Pollution. Sustainability 15: 11321. Link
Numanovic MDz, Stojanovic KZ, Novakovic BB, Zivkovic MM, Zivic NV, Miljanovic BM (2023) Structure and function of benthic invertebrate assemblages of the Derekarska River (southwestern Serbia, Pester plateau). Archives of Biological Sciences 75: 211-220. Link
Poleksic V, Antic S, Pesikan A, Dulic Z, Davidovic V, Relic R, Stankovic M, Topisirovic G (2023) Students’ perception of professional decision-making in the context of an animal science course: Case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 60: 315-324. Link
Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Jaric I, Skoric S, Topisirovic G, Stojnic B (2023) Accumulation of metal trace elements in different body parts of terrestrial Roman snail Helix pomatia L., 1758 on three polluted sites in Serbia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30: 21853-21862. Link
Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Vukovic G, Spirovic Trifunovic B, Bozic G, Cupic Miladinovic D, Markovic Z, Brkic D (2023) Acute and Subchronic Exposure of the Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) to Herbicide S-Metolachlor. Water 15: 4182. Link
Stojanovic K, Milic D, Rankovic Perisic M, Milicic M, Zivic I (2023) Destiny of Two Caddisfly Species under Global Climate Change. Diversity 15: 995. Link
Ibrahimi H, Bilalli A, Kucinic M, Hlebec D, Gashi A, Kotori LG, Stojanovic K, Zivic I (2022) Potamophylax idliri sp. nov. (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), a new species from the Jastrebac Mountains in Serbia, with molecular and ecological notes. Zootaxa 5116: 373-392. Link
Nikolic D, Poleksic V, Skoric S, Tasic A, Stanojevic S, Raskovic B (2022) The European Chub (Squalius cephalus) as an indicator of reservoirs pollution and human health risk assessment associated with its consumption. Environmental Pollution 310: 119871. Link
Novakovic BB, Rakovic MB, Ciampor Jr F, Teofilova TM, Zivic IM (2022) Genetic variability of the riffle beetle Elmis maugetii Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Elmidae) in Europe and North Africa. Biologia 77: 3173-3183. Link
Poleksic V, Antic S, Pesikan A, Dulic Z, Davidovic V, Relic R, Stankovic M, Topisirovic G (2022) Students’ perception of professional decision-making in the context of an animal science course: Case study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International (in press). Link
Raskovic B, Gebauer R, Folorunso EA, Bozic G, Velisek J, Dvorak P, Borik A, Grabic R, Mraz J (2022) Botanical and microbial insecticides application in aquaponics - is there a risk for biofilter bacteria and fish? Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 1055560. Link
Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Jaric I, Skoric S, Topisirovic G, Stojnic B (2022) Accumulation of metal trace elements in different body parts of terrestrial Roman snail Helix pomatia L., 1758 on three polluted sites in Serbia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (in press). Link
Vrankovic J, Bozanic M, Zivic M, Markovic Z, Marjanovic S, Golubovic V, Zivic I (2022) Antioxidant biomarker profile of chironomid larvae from carp ponds: Evaluation of the effects of different fish feeding patterns. Aquaculture Reports 27: 101387. Link
Vermaat JE, Biberdzic V, Braho V, Gjoreska BB, Cara M, Dana Z, Duraskovic P, Eriksen TE, Hjermann D, Imeri A, Jovanovic K, Krizmanic J, Kupe L, Loshkoska T, Kemp JL, Markovic A, Patceva S, Rakocevic J, Stojanovic K, Talevska M, Trajanovska S, Trajanovski S, Veljanoska-Sarafiloska E, Vidakovic D, Zdraveski K, Zivic I, Schneider SC (2021) Relating environmental pressures to littoral biological water quality indicators in Western Balkan lakes: Can we fill the largest gaps? Science of the Total Environment 804: 150160. Link
Adamek Z, Dulic Z, Hlavac D, Anton-Pardo M (2021) Insect attractants and plant biomass as natural food complements in pond culture of stock chub (Squalius cephalus). Aquaculture International 29: 1161–1179. Link
Bozic G, Raskovic B, Stankovic M, Poleksic V, Markovic Z (2021) Effects of different feeds on growth performance parameters, histology of liver, distal intestine, and erythrocytes morphology of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Biologia (in press). Link
Jakovljevic OS, Popovic SS, Zivic IM, Stojanovic KZ, Vidakovic DP, Naunovic ZZ, Krizmanic JZ (2021) Epilithic diatoms in environmental bioindication and trout farm’s effects on ecological quality assessment of rivers. Ecological Indicators 128: 107847. Link
Kostic-Vukovic J, Kolarevic S, Kracun-Kolarevic M, Visnjic-Jeftic Z, Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Gacic Z, Lenhardt M, Vukovic-Gacic B (2021) Temporal variation of biomarkers in common bream Abramis brama (L., 1758) exposed to untreated municipal wastewater in the Danube River in Belgrade, Serbia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193: 1-8. Link
Markovic V, Gojsina V, Novakovic B, Bozanic M, Stojanovic K, Karan-Znidarsic T, Zivic I (2021) The freshwater molluscs of Serbia: Annotated checklist with remarks on distribution and protection status. Zootaxa 5003: 1-64. Link
Nikolic D, Skoric S, Poleksic V, Raskovic B (2021) Sex-specific elemental accumulation and histopathology of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) from Garasi reservoir (Serbia) with human health risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 53700-53711. Link
Ozgur ME, Erdogan S, Raskovic B, Fazekas G, Ljubobratovic U (2021) Mid-autumn spermiation in outdoor-cultured pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) using different gonadoliberin application strategies. Aquaculture Reports 21: 100891. Link
Pillet M, Castaldo G, Rodgers EM, Poleksic V, Raskovic B, Bervoets L, Blust R, De Boeck G (2021) Physiological performance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio, L., 1758) exposed to a sublethal copper/zinc/cadmium mixture. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 242: 108954. Link
Raskovic B, Dvorak P, Mraz J (2021) Effects of Biodegradable Insecticides on Biofilter Bacteria: Implications for Aquaponics. Turkish Journal of Fisheries Aquatic Sciences 21: 169-177. Link
Rodgers EM, Opinion AGR, Isaza DFG, Raskovic B, Poleksic V, De Boeck G (2021) Double whammy: Nitrate pollution heightens susceptibility to both hypoxia and heat in a freshwater salmonid. Science of the Total Environment 765: 142777. Link
Vermaat JE, Biberdzic V, Braho V, Gjoreska BB, Cara M, Dana Z, Duraskovic P, Eriksen TE, Hjermann D, Imeri A, Jovanovic K, Krizmanic J, Kupe L, Loshkoska T, Kemp JL, Markovic A, Patceva S, Rakocevic J, Stojanovic K, Talevska M, Trajanovska S, Trajanovski S, Veljanoska-Sarafiloska E, Vidakovic D, Zdraveski K, Zivic I, Schneider SC (2021) Relating environmental pressures to littoral biological water quality indicators in Western Balkan lakes: Can we fill the largest gaps? Science of the Total Environment 804: 150160. Link
Delahaut V, Raskovic B, Satorres Salvado M, Bervoets L, Blust R, De Boeck G (2020) Toxicity and bioaccumulation of Cadmium, Copper and Zinc in a direct comparison at equitoxic concentrations in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) juveniles. PLoS ONE 15: e0220485. Link
Duknic J, Jovanovic MV, Canak Atlagic J, Andjus S, Paunovic M, Popovic N, Zivic I (2020) Simulium reptans (Linnaeus, 1758) and Simulium reptantoides Carlsson, 1962 from the Balkan Peninsula. ZooKeys 922: 141–155. Link
Imentai A, Raskovic B, Steinbach C, Rahimnejad S, Yanes-Roca C, Policar T (2020) Effects of first feeding regime on growth performance, survival rate and development of digestive system in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae. Aquaculture 529: 735636. Link
Nikolic D, Skoric S, Raskovic B, Lenhardt M, Krpo-Cetkovic J (2020) Impact of reservoir properties on elemental accumulation and histopathology of European perch (Perca fluviatilis). Chemosphere 244: 125503. Link
Novakovic B, Markovic V, Mesaros G, Zivic I (2020) The riffle beetle Macronychus quadrituberculatus Muller, 1806 (Coleoptera: Elmidae): recent findings in Serbia with ecological notes. Biologia 75: 1891-1897. Link
Novakovic B, Teofilova T, Pandakov P, Zivic I (2020) New distributional records of rare riffle beetles (Coleoptera: Elmidae) from the Balkan Peninsula, Archives of Biological Sciences 72: 129-135. Link
Schneider CS, Biberdzic V, Braho V, Gjoreska BB, Cara M, Dana Z, Duraskovic P, Eriksen ET, Hjermann D, Imeri A, Jovanovic K, Krizmanic J, Kupe L, Loshkoska T, Kemp LJ, Markovic A, Patceva S, Rakocevic J, Stojanovic K, Talevska M, Trajanovska S, Trajanovski S, Veljanoska-Sarafiloska E, Vidakovic D, Zdraveski K, Zivic I, Vermaat EJ (2020) Littoral eutrophication indicators are more closely related to nearshore land use than to water nutrient concentrations: A critical evaluation of stressor-response relationships. Science of the Total Environment 748: 141193. Link
Bozanic M, Dojcinovic B, Zivic M, Markovic Z, Manojlovic D, Zivic I (2019) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Ephemera danica larvae under influence of a trout farm outlet waters. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 402: 50. Link
Bozanic M, Markovic Z, Zivic M, Dojcinovic B, Peric A, Stankovic M, Zivic I (2019) Mouthpart deformities of Chironomus plumosus larvae caused by increased concentrations of copper in sediment from carp fish pond. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 19: 251-259. Link
Duknic J, Jovanovic MV, Popovic N, Zivic I, Rakovic M, Cerba D, Paunovic M (2019) Phylogeography of Simulium subgenus Wilhelmia (Diptera: Simuliidae) - insights from Balkan Populations. Journal of Medical Entomology, 56: 967-978. Link
Ljubobratovic U, Raskovic B, Balogh E, Lengyel S, Kovacs G, Janurik E, Poleksic V, Ronyai A (2019) Gill histopathological indicators in pikeperch Sander lucioperca larvae reared in a flowthrough system: effect of clay-turbid water. Aquaculture International 27: 1079-1091. Link
Radojevic A, Mircic D, Zivic M, Peric-Mataruga V, Bozanic M, Stojanovic K, Lukicic J, Zivic I (2019) Influence of trout farm effluents on selected oxidative stress biomarkers in larvae of Ecdyonurus venosus (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). Archives of Biological Sciences 71: 225-233. Link
Raskovic B, Cruzeiro C, Poleksic V, Rocha E (2019) Estimating volumes from common carp hepatocytes using design-based stereology and examining correlations with profile areas: Revisiting a nutritional assay and unveiling guidelines to microscopists. Microscopy Research and Technique 82: 861-871. Link
Simonovic J, Toljic B, Raskovic B, Jovanovic V, Lazarevic M, Milosevic M, Nikolic N, Panajotovic R, Milasin J (2019) Raman microspectroscopy: toward a better distinction and profiling of different populations of dental stem cells. Croatian Medical Journal 60: 78-86. Link
Stojanovic K, Zivic M, Markovic Z, Dordevic J, Jovanovic J, Zivic I (2019) How changes in water quality under the influence of land-based trout farms shape chemism of the recipient streams - case study from Serbia. Aquaculture International (in press). Link
Bozanic M, Todorovic D, Zivic M, Peric-Mataruga V, Markovic Z, Zivic I (2018). Influence of a trout farm on antioxidant defense in larvae of Ephemera danica (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 419: 47. Link
Dulic Z, Zivic I, Pergal M, Zivic M, Stankovic M, Manojlovic D, Markovic Z (2018) Accumulation and seasonal variation of toxic and trace elements in tissues of Cyprinus carpio from semi-intensive aquaculture ponds. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 54: 4. Link
Milosevic Dj, Stojanovic K, Djurdjevic A, Markovic Z, Stojkovic Piperac M, Zivic M, Zivic I (2018) The response of chironomid taxonomy- and functional trait-based metrics to fish farm effluent pollution in lotic systems. Environmental Pollution 242: 1058-1066. Link
Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Skoric S, Jovicic K, Spasic S, Hegedis A, Vasic N, Lenhardt M (2018) Effects of mine tailing and mixed contamination on metals, trace elements accumulation and histopathology of the chub (Squalius cephalus) tissues: Evidence from three differently contaminated sites in Serbia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 153: 238-247. Link
Shrivastava J, Raskovic B, Blust R, De Boeck G (2018) Exercise improves growth, alters physiological performance and gene expression in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 226: 38-48. Link
Vidakovic D, Radovanovic S, Predojevic D, Sovran S, Zivic I, Stojanovic K, Krizmanic J (2018) Uncertainty of using habitat fidelity in biomonitoring based on benthic diatoms - the Raska River case study. Biologia 73: 831-839. Link
Vrankovic J, Zivic M, Radojevic A, Peric-Mataruga V, Todorovic D, Markovic Z, Zivic I (2018) Evaluation of oxidative stress biomarkers in the freshwater gammarid Gammarus dulensis exposed to trout farm outputs. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 163: 84-95. Link
Kartalovic B, Pucarevic M, Markovic Z, Stankovic M, Novakov N, Pelic M, Cirkovic M (2017) Determination of niclosamide and its metabolites in liver and muscles of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerlings. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 45: 1490. Link
Kostic J, Kolarevic S, Kracun-Kolarevic M, Aborgiba M, Gacic Z, Paunovic M, Visnjic-Jeftic Z, Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Lenhardt M, Vukovic-Gacic B (2017) The impact of multiple stressors on the biomarkers response in gills and liver of freshwater breams during different seasons. Science of the Total Environment 601-602: 1670-1681. Link
Stojanovic K, Zivic M, Dulic Z, Markovic Z, Krizmanic J, Milosevic D, Miljanovic B, Jovanovic J, Vidakovic, D, Zivic I (2017) Comparative study of the effects of a small-scale trout farm on the macrozoobenthos, potamoplankton and epilithic diatom communities. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189: 403. Link
Trbovic D, Zivic I, Stankovic M, Zivic M, Dulic Z, Petronijevic R, Markovic Z (2017) Dependence of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fatty acid profile on diet composition in a semiintensive farming system: tissue and time variability. Aquaculture Research 48: 3121-3133. Link
Vidakovic D, Cantonati M, Mogna M, Jakovljevic O, Sovran S, Lazovic V, Stojanovic K, Dordevic J, Krizmanic J (2017) Additional information on the distribution and ecology of the recently described diatom species Geissleria gereckei. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies46: 18-23. Link
Vitecek S, Kucinic M, Previsic A, Zivic I, Stojanovic K, Keresztes L, Balint M, Hoppeler F, Waringer J, Graf W, Pauls S (2017) Integrative taxonomy by molecular species delimitation: multi-locus data corroborate a new species of Balkan Drusinae micro-endemics. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17: 129. Link
Waringer J, Malicky H, Zivic I, Vicentini H (2017) The larvae of the European Helicopsyche species (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae). Zootaxa 4277: 561-572. Link
Jakovljevic O, Popovic S, Vidakovic D, Stojanovic K, Krizmanic J (2016) The application of benthic diatoms in water quality assessment (Mlava River, Serbia). Acta Botanica Croatica 75: 199-205. Link
Jakovljevic O, Popovic S, Zivic I, Stojanovic K, Krizmanic J (2016) Benthic diatoms of the Vrla River (Serbia) and their application in the water ecological status assessment. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 45: 304-315. Link
Kucinic M, Previsic A, Mihoci I, Krpac V, Zivic I, Stojanovic K, Mrnjavcic Vojvoda, A, Katusic L (2016) Morphological features of larvae of Drusus plicatus Radovanovic (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Republic of Macedonia with molecular, ecological, ethological, and distributional notes. ZooKeys 598: 75-97. Link
Matijasevic D, Pantic M, Raskovic B, Pavlovic V, Duvnjak D, Sknepnek A, Niksic M (2016) The antibacterial activity and mechanisms of action of methanol extracts obtained from Pleurotus ostreatus and Coriolus versicolor mushrooms. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7: 1226. Link
Markovic Z, Stankovic M, Raskovic B, Dulic Z, Zivic I, Poleksic V (2016) Comparative analysis of using cereal grains and compound feed in semi-intensive common carp pond production. Aquaculture International 24: 1699-1723. Link
Mircic D, Stojanovic K, Zivic I, Todorovic D, Stojanovic D, Dolicanin Z, Peric-Mataruga V (2016) The trout farm effect on Dinocras megacephala (Plecoptera: Perlidae) larvae: Antioxidative defense. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29: 515-521. Link
Novakovic BB, Markovic VM, Ilic MD, Tubic BP, Duknic JA, Zivic IM (2016) Recent Records and Ecological Notes on the Riffle Beetle Potamophilus acuminatus (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera: Elmidae) in Serbia. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 68: 207-214. Link
Raskovic B, Cicovacki S, Ciric M, Markovic Z, Poleksic V (2016) Integrative approach of histopathology and histomorphometry of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) organs as a marker of general fish health state in pond culture. Aquaculture Research 47: 3455-3463. Link
Raskovic B, Ciric M, Koko V, Stankovic M, Zivic I, Markovic Z, Poleksic V (2016) Effect of supplemental feeds on liver and intestine of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in semi-intensive rearing system: histological implications. Biologia 71: 212-219. Link
Raskovic B, Heinke R, Rosch P, Popp J (2016) The potential of Raman spectroscopy for the classification of fish fillets. Food Analytical Methods 9: 1301-1306. Link
Brkic D, Szakonyne-Pasics I, Gasic S, Teodorovic I, Raskovic B, Brkic N, Neskovic N (2015) Subacute and subchronic toxicity of Avalon mixture (bentazone+dicamba) to rats. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 39: 1057-1066. Link
Ciric M, Subakov-Simic G, Dulic Z, Bjelanovic K, Cicovacki S, Markovic Z (2015) Effect of supplemental feed type on water quality, plankton and benthos availability and carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) growth in semi-intensive monoculture ponds. Aquaculture Research, 46: 777-788. Link
Lenhardt M, Poleksic V, Vukovic-Gacic B, Raskovic B, Sunjog K, Kolarevic S, Jaric I, Gacic Z (2015) Integrated use of different fish related parameters to assess the status of water bodies. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 52: 5-13. Link
Ljubobratovic U, Kucska B, Feledi T, Poleksic V, Markovic Z, Lenhardt M,Peteri A, Kumar S, Ronyai A (2015) Effect of weaning strategies on growth and survival of pikeperch, Sander lucioperca, larvae. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sicences, 15: 325-331. Link
Lujic J, Matavulj M, Poleksic V, Raskovic B, Marinovic Z, Kostic D, Miljanovic B (2015) Gill reaction to pollutants from the Tamis River in three freshwater fish species, Esox lucius L. 1758, Sander lucioperca (L. 1758) and Silurus glanis L. 1758: a comparative study. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 44: 128-137. Link
Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Visnjic-Jeftic Z, Skoric S, Gacic Z, Djikanovic V, Jaric I, Lenhardt M (2015) Use of histopathology and elemental accumulation in different organs of two benthophagous fish species as indicators of river pollution. Environmental Toxicology, 30: 1153-1161. Link
Stojanovic K, Zivic I, Karan Znidarsic T, Zivic M, Zunic M, Simic V, Markovic Z (2015) Ithytrichia Eaton, 1873 (Hydroptilidae: Trichoptera): A Genus New for the Entomofauna of Serbia. Entomological News, 125:52-62. Link
Waringer J, Graf W, Balint M, Kucinic M, Pauls US, Previsic A, Keresztes L,Ibrahimi H, Zivic I, Bjelanovic K, Krpac V, Vitecek S (2015) Larval morphology and phylogenetic position of Drusus balcanicus, Drusus botosaneanui, Drusus serbicus and Drusus tenellus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae: Drusinae). European Journal of Entomology, 112: 344-361. Link
Zivic I, Radosavljevic T, Stojanovic K, Petrovic A (2015) The first molecular characterization of the genus Hirudo on the territory of Serbia: estimation of endangerment. Aquatic Ecology, 49: 81-90. Link
Bjelanovic K, Zivic I, Petrovic A, Djordjevic J, Markovic Z, Zikic V (2014) Agriotypus armatus Curtis, 1832, a parasitoid of Silo pallipes Fabricius, 1781: the first record for the Balkan Peninsula. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 414: 05. Link
Dulic Z, Markovic Z, Zivic M, Ciric M, Stankovic M, Subakov-Simic G, Zivic I (2014) The response of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macrozoobenthos communities to change in the water supply from surface to groundwater in aquaculture ponds. Annales de Limnologie 50: 131-141. Link
Poleksic V, Stankovic M, Markovic Z, Relic R, Lakic N, Dulic Z, Raskovic B (2014) Morphological and physiological evaluation of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) fed extruded compound feeds containing different fat levels. Aquaculture International, 22: 289-298. Link
Zivic I, Zivic M, Bjelanovic K, Milosevic Dj, Stanojlovic S, Daljevic R, Markovic Z (2014) Global warming effects on benthic macroinvertebrates: a model case study from a small geothermal stream. Hydrobiologia, 732: 147-159. Link
Zivic I, Zivic M, Bjelanovic K, Spasic M, Raskovic B, Stankovic M, Markovic Z (2014) Fatty acid profile in muscles of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) raised in a semi-intensive production system fed with grains, pelleted and extruded feed. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66: 877-887. Link
Raskovic B, Jaric I, Koko V, Spasic M, Dulic Z, Markovic Z, Poleksic V (2013) Histopathological indicators: a useful fish health monitoring tool in common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) culture. Central European Journal of Biology 8: 975-985. Link
Trbovic D, Markovic Z, Milojkovic-Opsenica D, Petronijevic R, Spiric D, Djinovic-Stojanovic J, Spiric A (2013) Influence of diet on proximate composition and fatty acid profile in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 31: 75-81. Link
Zivic I, Bjelanovic K, Simic V, Zivic M, Zikic V, Markovic Z (2013) New records of Thremma anomalum (Trichoptera, Uenoidae) from Southeastern Europe with notes on its ecology. Entomological News 123: 206-219. Link
Zivic I, Trbovic D, Zivic M, Bjelanovic K, Markovic ZS, Stankovic M, Markovic Z (2013) The influence of supplement feed preparation on the fatty acids composition of carp and Chironomidae larvae in a semi-intensive production system. Archive of Biological Sciences 65: 1387-1396. Link
Zivic I, Zivic M, Milosevic D, Bjelanovic K, Stanojlovic S, Daljevic R, Markovic Z (2013) The effects of geothermal water inflow on longitudinal changes in benthic macroinvertebrate community composition of a temperate stream. Journal of Thermal Biology 38: 255-263. Link
Markovic Z, Poleksic V, Lakic N, Zivic I, Dulic Z, Stankovic M, Spasic M, Raskovic B, Sorensen M (2012) Evaluation of growth and histology of liver and intestine in juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.) fed extruded diets with or without fish meal. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 12: 301-308. Link
Skoric S, Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Gacic Z, Lenhardt M (2012) Scoring of the extent and intensity of carp (Cyprinus carpio) skin changes made by cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis): relationship between morphometric and histological indices. Aquaculture International 20: 525-535. Link
Lenhardt M, Markovic G, Hegedis A, Maletin S, Cirkovic M, Markovic Z (2011) Non-native and translocated fish species in Serbia and their impact on the native ichthyofauna. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 21: 407-421. Link
Dulic Z, Subakov-Simic G, Ciric M, Relic R, Lakic N, Stankovic M, Markovic Z (2010) Water Quality in Semi-intensive Carp Production System Using Three Different Feeds. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 16: 266-274. Link
Poleksic V, Lenhardt M, Jaric I, Djordjevic D, Gacic Z, Cvijanovic G, Raskovic B (2010) Liver, gills and skin histopathology and heavy metal content of the Danube sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29: 515-521. Link
Raskovic B, Poleksic V, Zivic I, Spasic M (2010) Histology of carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.) gills and pond water quality in semiintensive production. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 16: 253-262. Link
Stankovic M, Markovic Z, Dulic Z, Raskovic B, Zivic I, Lakic N (2010) Effect of feeding dynamics on carp growth rate. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 16: 317-321. Link
Dulic Z, Poleksic V, Raskovic B, Lakic N, Markovic Z, Zivic I, Stankovic M (2009) Assessment of the water quality of aquatic resources using biological methods. Desalination and Water Treatment 11: 264-274. Link
Markovic Z, Dulic Z, Zivic I, Mitrovic-Tutundzic V (2009) Influence of abiotic and biotic environmental factors on weight gain of cultured carp on a carp farm. Archives of Biological Sciences 61: 113-121. Link
Zivic I, Markovic Z, Filipovic-Rojka Z, Zivic M (2009) Influence of a trout farm on water quality and macrozoobenthos communities of the receiving stream (Tresnjica River, Serbia). International Review of Hydrobiology 94: 673-687. Link
Zivic I, Markovic Z, Simic V, Kucinic M (2009) New records of Helicopsyche bacescui (Trichoptera, Helicopsychidae) from the Balkan Peninsula with notes on its habitat. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55: 77-87. Link
Zivic I, Markovic Z, Zivic M (2009) Influence of a trout farm on macrozoobenthos communities of the Tresnjica River, Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences 61: 483-492. Link
International projects (2003 - 2021):
2014 - 2018 Swimming of fish and implications for migration and aquaculture - FITFISH (Food and Agriculture COST Action FA1304) - MC members
2013 - 2016 7th Framework Programme, Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at Faculty of agriculture, University of Belgrade - AREA (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1) - Partners
2013 - 2014 Applying cutting-edge stereological methods for evaluating the histology and histopathology of the liver of carp fed vegetable oils of different origin - Bilateral project with Republic of Portugal
2013 - 2016 TEMPUS, Building capacity of Serbian agricultural education to link with society, CaSA (544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES 2013-4604/001-001) - Coordinators
2008 - 2011 7th Framework Programme, Reinforcement of Sustanable Aquaculture - ROSA (FP7-REGPOT-2007-3) - Coordinators
2007 - 2008 Support to the Fishery Sector in Serbia and Montenegro, European Agency for Recontruction, No. 05MON02 01 003 - Partners
2005 - 2007 6th Framework Programme (JNCO calls for Waster Balkan countries) Water Resources Strategies and Drought Alleviations in Western Balkan Agriculture - Partners
2005 - 2007 Scientific cooperation between Serbia and Norway concerning planning and establishing a genetic improvement programme for carp in Serbia, and to transfer knowledge within genetics and selective breeding- project between Faculty of agriculture, University of Belgrade and Aquaforsk, Institute of Aquaculture Research, As, Norway - Partners
2001 - 2004 Establishment of cooperation in the field of Agriculture and Fisheries - project between Faculty of agriculture, University of Belgrade and Aquaforsk, Institute of Aquaculture Research, As, Norway - Partners
National projects (2003 - 2021):
2011 - 2021 Improvement of production capacities of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) with nutrition and selection programes (TR 31075) - Coordinators
2008 - 2010 Improvement of semi-intensive production of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in sustainable aquaculture (TR 20047) - Coordinators
2005 - 2008 Improvement of feeding technology of common carp (Cyprinus caprio Linn.) and rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss Wal.) in sustainable aquaculture (TR 006903) - Coordinators
2002 - 2004 Unconventional animal production (BTR 5.05.0541) - Partners |