Dear friends and colleagues,
We are happy to announce that we are on track to organize our next gathering of scientists, professionals, and businessmen from the world of aquaculture and hydrobiology in June 2018, in order to communicate results of our research, exchange information and experience, establish new, and improve existing cooperations and partnerships.
The 8th International Conference “WATER & FISH” will take place as before, at the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, which is becoming a centennial Institution in 2019. The city of Belgrade, a capital city of Serbia, is actually the most beautiful and attractive in this period of the year. Serbia has recently been designated by the CNN among world touristic destination that should be visited in 2018.
According to the conference title, the main topics are focused on water, as organisms’ habitat, as well as on ŕquatic organisms, primarily fish. This year, we will focus on biosecurity of aquatic organisms, and will also remain open to all other topics that you suggest through your conference presentation papers or poster contributions.
Our invited speakers and selected lecturers are as always among the most prominent names from the world of science. They will be representing number of different countries, associations, institutions and projects. Our conference is supported by The European Aquaculture Society (EAS) and The Pan-Hellenic Society of Technologists Ichthyologists (PASTI). This year “WATER & FISH” is organized in collaboration with the International Aquatic Veterinary Biosecurity Consortium (IAVBC) from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany. |

Date and venue:
June, 13-15, 2018. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia and International Aquatic Veterinary Biosecurity Consortium, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany.
Apart from invited speakers from Serbia and the world, contributions from all interested scientists and professionals are welcomed.
Official languages:
English and Serbian. Simultaneous translation of the oral presentations will be provided.
Paper presentation:
Oral or poster presentation, according to the wish of the author. Final decision will be given by the Scientific Committee. |

May 28th, 2018
Second announcement is published on our site, where you can find all the relevant information about the conference. You can download it here.
January 19th, 2018
Starting from today, you can download First announcement for Water & Fish 2018 conference. Link is available either in the section below, or you can download it by clicking here.
Important dates:
May 1st, 2018 - deadline day for paper submission.
You can download proceedings from last five conferences by clicking on the icons below:
Water & Fish 2018 (6.1 MB)
Water & Fish 2015 (11.3 MB)
Water & Fish 2013 (4.6 MB)
Aquaculture & Fishery 2011 (6.8 MB)
Aquaculture & Fishery 2009 (4.3 MB)
